Gay vampires move in Next Door just in time for Halloween
I like complaining that there is not enough gay vampire content being produced (on screen, both regular and adult films, and written). And when I put my wishes out to the universe, the universe answers. Hot on the heels of Twinklight, Jasper Emerald delivered Breeding Spooks 3 and now Next Door Studios has announced a special week of hot vampire action across their many sites. There’s a special film with Samuel O’Toole and Marcus Mojo, as well as photos and wallpapers. From the preview I have discovered that Samuel makes a visit to his friend Marcus, giving him a bite that quickly turns him into a vampire before the hard-core action takes place.
And thanks to our buddies over at hotgaydeals.com, we’ve been given a special 33% off promo code for Next Door Buddies (click the link below to get your own code and open nextdoorbuddies.com)
Sooo Hot!! Nice Job!!