Updated: Upcoming Unzipped vampire feature

Updated: Unzipped is leaking the cover slowly. One model has been revealed, and it’s Cameron Marshall. He’s a newly turned vampire and the other vampire hovering over him is his maker. He’s quite hot, so I’m hoping the other vampire is hot too and there’s even more good photos inside.

Updated again: the second vampire has been revealed as Diesel Washington. He’s hot, but my favorite is Cameron. If either came to seduce and bite me, I wouldn’t turn he down. So now the wait is too see what are the photos inside like.

A few months back I was interviewed for an article on gay vampires for Unzipped Magazine. More on that later…

Well the Unzipped blog dropped a teaser the other day for their Halloween issue. Apparently they have gone to some lengths to darken the models on the cover so we don’t know who the vampire is. Tragically I’m in the dark just as much everyone else. Twinklight was originally slated for an October release and I have my fingers crossed that it’ll soon be out, but I’m also hoping for another film because I’m greedy and want to see more gay vampire films (adult or regular).

Note that the name of the vampire has been blacked out, so hopefully it’s a big name star. And I don’t think it’s Afton Nills’ name underneath that black out mark. So we have to wait with baited breath for the magazine to hit stands.

The interview went well and I was really happy with the writer who did the interview, though the contact at the magazine was less than professional. I was asked to provide photos of myself and honestly I found I didn’t have any lying around but I tried to be helpful and made quite the effort to hunt down some old snaps in storage or alternative vampire images.

Sadly the junior editor who’d been email me decided to insult all Canadian gay publications, calling them “rags”. It seemed rather unprofessional to insult valued journalism, especially from someone editing a magazine about porn. I was feeling totally horrible for not being able to help out, and made some extra effort even, so I was shocked by the tone of the email I received. Still I’m looking forward to seeing an entire article on gay vampires, and also to see my name in print.

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