Jonathan Cole & Kain Lanning

A Chance Encounter Turns Hot and Wet
Vampire Kain Lanning is prowling the streets when he comes across Jonathan Cole, who’s looking for some company. The two end up back at the house in the shower together, trading oral and eating each others asses. The vampire bends Jonathan over the sink to fuck him doggy style before taking him missionary, as well. Kain even gets his own ass fucked by Jonathan before the two blow their loads all over Jonathan’s stomach.

Jonathan was previously in Episode 13 as Vampire 4, but appears mortal here. Kain has his fangs out from the start, and throughout, but he never bites Jonathan. Maybe Jonathan is a vampire already and they are just two vamps enjoying a good fuck.


Jonathan Cole: Vampire 4
Kain Lanning: Victim 3 (turned)