Latest Twinklight episode shows confused boy under vampire’s power
The newest Twinklight episode was released last night… always when I have gone off to sleep so I walk up to a morning treat. In it, another lost and scared boy is sitting on that deserted bench. This time he’s crying. Suddenly the vampire arrives and assures the boy is not going to hurt him. It does look into his eyes and take control of the boy, willing him to undress and begin sucking. Through the whole episode, the domineering vampire is in complete control.
Jason Alcok and Jae Landen star in this latest video. These twinks are pale and emo, which is a nice change. Our vampire is attempting to do an East-London accent, but it doesn’t last too long. Like the previous video, this vampire moves quickly and doesn’t show his fangs, and while there is a little nibbling part way through, there’s no bloody bite similar to the other episodes in the series. Overall it’s good, but the last two Twinklight videos have lacked the depth and continuation of the storyline as well as the amount of vampirism. If I saw this video on another twink site, I wouldn’t think it was gay vampire related. I’m watching Twinklight for the vampires, not ordinary twinks.
New Twinklight episodes are being released every two weeks as promised on the Twinklight.tv site (so hopefully the next one will be in time for Valentine’s day). Twinklight.tv members check out the latest video. If you’re not a member by this point, then I guess twinks as vampires isn’t for you.
Yah – this one was way lame as far as fang bangers go… At least the last installment had the two vamps beging to feed on the boy – this one was ZIPPO in the feed dept. the sex was … ok. the boys were… ok. The accent work… give me a break Eliza Doolittle, that accent was from Mars.
LOL. I’m glad I’m not the only one who was put off by the accent. I’d have to agree, I’ve been a little disappointed overall in the updates also.