In 2000 David DeCoteau released the first in the Brotherhood series of direct-to-video movies. The first Brotherhood movie was the only vampire-themed movie out of the entire homoerotic series.
The story follows Chris (played by Samuel Page… under the name Nathan Watkins), a college freshman who’s invited to join an exclusive fraternity, one where the brothers are all vampires. Devon (Bradley Stryker), the head of the fraternity has set his sights on Chris for he is a perfect specimen. The initiation begins a change in Chris, but the new and improved Chris doesn’t go unnoticed by his roommate.
While it seems like Chris has been given the immortal gift, we soon discover there is more to Devon’s plans. And in comes Chris’ roommate who learns the truth and starts meddling, nearly ruining the plot.
DeCoteau’s films are the male version of the tits-and-ass genre, filled with plenty of hot guys in their underwear. The story lines are weak, and some of the acting amateurish. They are horror films without the scare, and nearly every scene has lightning flashing in the background. But these are some very homoerotic movies. In one scene in the Brotherhood, Devon and Chris feed off a female; all three wearing only their underwear. The feeding threesome gets pretty hot, yet the girl is barely in the shot.
Sadly these vampires lacked fangs, instead using a needle hidden in their frat pins. When the vampires feed, we don’t even see blood from the wound, only a little around the guys’ mouths afterward.
The Brotherhood is low-budget and uses many editing tricks and odd camera angles to achieve a higher-quality, especially since it was filmed in 35mm (which I discovered by actually watching the director’s commentary).
DeCoteau does have a very good eye for spotting talent, but in this Brotherhood and subsequent films. Sam Page has done well in Hollywood in numerous minor roles. Bradley Stryker appeared in a few more DeCoteau films, and on many popular TV shows.
You can pick up the Brotherhood from tlavideo pretty cheap or from amazon.com.